Friday, July 23, 2010

She's a shopper!

Taegan has had her eye on a Barbie fishing pole for a few months now. I'm not sure that fishing was that exciting to her, but the thought of having a Barbie fishing pole was very exciting! Chad was working in Tyler the other day and Tae and I had an errand to run in Tyler so when we finished up we were going to meet up with him to go buy a Barbie fishing pole. We finished up before he was done working so we had some time to pass so of course we passed that time where else but at the mall. As we walked through Dillard's Tae was pointing out lots of cute things and telling me what I should try on. I told her I was just looking and didn't want to try anything on which she didn't quite understand. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: I don't want to try anything on.

Tae: but it's cute!

Me: You're not being a very good shopping partner today....I just want to look...I'm not buying anything. Sometimes I just like to look!

Tae: Well....I'm the buying kind of girl!

Really?!? Where does she get this stuff?? Chad soon called and we met him to buy the Barbie fishing pole which made her very happy!

Tae and her new Barbie fishing pole!


Sara said...

Uh oh,Chad better hide his credit cards. :)